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New ways to customize your Substack - On SubstackToday we’re excited to share new ways to customize and organize your Substack homepage, giving you the ability to create a distinctive look for your publication without extra work. These updates are part of a series of o
Don’s Substack | SubstackMy personal Substack
CalculatedRisk Newsletter | CalculatedRisk by Bill McBride | SubstackReal Estate Data and Analysis
The One In One Journal | Jeth | SubstackPersonal safety training and education (18+ Content)
Christ Our Glory | Tony | SubstackThis is a place where I talk about faith, theology, church, the state of Christianity, and the many aspects of the Christian life. I'm a Christian with a biblical worldview in a fallen sinful world. I quote Charles Spu
Italy, My Love! Outdoor, Wellness, Hiking | Liudmila | SubstackExplore the beauty of Italy. Embark on a journey through the picturesque landscapes, uncover the best of Italy's outdoor wonders, indulge in rejuvenating activities, serene wellness experiences, and thrilling hiking trai
Words Ways | John Bennison | SubstackCommentary on the world we live in from the perspective of a progressive pilgrim in the Christian faith tradition.
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